Ex-Superintendent Recommits To Advocacy


Former Grand Kru County Superintendent, Doris Ylatun has pledged renewed commitment to engage in women advocacy and empowerment.

According to her, as a means of continuing women empowerment in the county and elsewhere, she will work collaboratively with the United Sisters, county and national based women organizations including SEWODA.

“We will continue to amplify our voices to ensure women’s equal participation in politics and other spheres as well as increase our push for gender parity within the National Legislature through the county’s Caucus. We want to ensure Grand Kru have female representation at the Legislature like other counties because we have the potential, can lead and make a difference too,” she said.

Ylatun is the Founder of United Sisters, a women advocacy group that over years championed the cause of women at the community, county and national levels through different programs and activities. United Sister was founded November 29, 2011.

Madam Ylatun pointed out the renewed effort will help break the political barrier amongst women of Grand Kru that has lasted for decades and has undermined their full potential due to traditional beliefs.

She said it was now time for the women of Grand Kru to prepare themselves and increase their voices in advocacy to take on the mantle of authority at elected levels.
The former superintendent recounted that women must be elevated to the Legislature during future elections, instead of only serving superintendent positions.

She decried that fact that Grand Kru Caucus remains male dominant since its founding in 1984.
Madam Ylatun contested the 2017 Legislative elections and came third and was among few females who have ventured elected position.

She noted that while citizens of Grand Kru are yet to decide on electing female legislators, renewed vigor with constant engagements and increased awareness to strengthen their understanding ahead of the 2029 Presidential and Legislative elections will be a top priority.

Meanwhile, Madam Ylatun is encouraging the new county administration headed by her colleague to promote women empowerment programs and work collectively in sustaining the county’s peace for positive progress amongst citizens where women voices can be heard.

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