SUP Wants Concession Agreements Reviewed


The Student Unification Part, (SUP) has called on President Joseph N. Boakai to review all concession agreements so as to ascertain whether those multinationals mining institutions have been living up to their Mineral Development Agreements.

Speaking to journalists May, 28, 2024 in Monrovia, the student group said if Boakai Administration cannot act now, they will be left with no option but galvanize revolutionary zealotry of the Liberian people and move into history.
SUP also assured the Liberia masses that the vanguard party will keep the agenda of the Liberian people at the top and zenith of the party’s agenda.

“In fact, the vanguard will be visiting all concession sites to examine the conditions of the people and to demand a national solidarity to protect local communities in mining and mine areas,” the student group noted.
According to them, the outcome of Boakai Administration’s short-term agenda has created more problems than intended to address basic conditions of the people.

However, SUP declared the 12 key objectives of Boakai’s 100 days deliverable as wanton failures contrary to the 87% score the regime is masquerading with.

SUP also condemned the outrageous and abominable barbarity being discharged by Bea Mountain, Western Cluster, ArcelorMittal including and all other foreign concession companies on Liberian soil against innocent and striving Liberian masses.

“In February of this year, Bea Mountain Company through the Liberian police unleashed a reign of terror on innocent mine workers in kinjor, Grand Cape Mount County for legally, lawfully, and befittingly challenging the dehumanization and capitalistic exploitation meted against them,” the group explained.

The student group indicated that the episode in kinjor is an eye-opening moment to expose the several exploitation taking place across the different concession camps in the country.

SUP said, “Like the killing of our people in kinjor, we believe there are more horrendous happenings at Western Cluster, China Union and all other concession sites.”

At the same time, the student political group said it stands in solidarity with the people of Grand Cape Mount County and will do all in our revolutionary energy going forward to defend the rights of mine workers in Liberia.

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