Boakai Wants Certificate Courses Offered…At Maritime Training Institute


President Joseph N. Boakai has called on the Director General of the Liberia Maritime Authority (LiMA) Cllr. Neto Zarzar Lighe to offer certificates of competence and other officer courses for cadets who are currently onboard vessels and those joining the institution.

Delivering the keynote address at the 3rd Graduation Ceremony of the Liberia Maritime Training Institute Thursday, May 16, 2024, President Boakai stated that to be able to accomplish such, Commissioner Lighe has told him that there is an urgent need to build additional dormitory facilities, an auditorium, and lecture halls as well as to increase the specialized training facilities.

According to the President, in the next decades, the country must have Liberian captains and chief engineers, something befitting of the status as a leader in the global maritime space.

Boakai disclosed that he has asked the Board to review the expansion and growth plan, take due notice and act accordingly.

“It is very pleasing to note that since its reorganization and change in Management, all of the previous graduates of this school are currently working both at sea and with shore-based organizations including the National Port Authority, APM Terminals, Liberia Electricity Corporation,” he noted.

The President revealed that some of the cadets are also assigned on board with shipping companies such as Orion, Unisea, Atlantic Lloyd, D’Amico, etc.

President Boakai said the Liberia Maritime Authority must continue to secure placements for all cadets, which is the ultimate goal of this initiative.

“To our dear parents, I say thank you for your moral and financial support to these young people. As a parent myself and as one who has mentored many young people, I know of the challenges and sacrifices required to bring children this far. I am also aware that investing in children’s education is the surest and safest way of making them productive and giving them a good future,” he applaud.

The President urged the graduates not to see themselves just as cadets, but graduates who are going to be among those shining stars that help the name of Liberia illuminate so brightly in the comity of nations.

He indicated that by pursuing studies at this prestigious Institution, the graduates are genuinely placing themselves on an enviable track of human resource development.

President Boakai challenged the graduates to go out and proudly raise the flag of Liberia to nobler heights.

“As you proceed, I want to remind you to never overlook the fact that you will experience good times, but you should also prepare for challenges ahead,” he narrated.

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