US$500M Collected In Revenue…LRA Reports


As of September 30, 2024, the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) says it has successfully collected US$513.8 million or 74% of the total domestic revenue envelope of US$694.4 million, representing a 12% increase in domestic revenue compared to the same period last year. The collected amount is US$54.3 million more than the year-to-date revenue target.

The 2024 National Budget target is set at US$738.86 million, with US$696.4 million (pre-recast) expected from domestic tax collection and US$42.4 million projected from external support. So far, no contribution has been received from external sources, meaning that all revenues collected by the LRA to date have been generated domestically by compliant taxpayers. This highlights the crucial reliance on domestic revenue mobilization to achieve the budgetary goals, and the LRA Commissioner General, James Dorbor Jallah, proudly acknowledges the contributions of Liberia’s taxpayers, release issued in Monrovia on Saturday, October 12, 2024 said.

With $513.8 million already collected against the pre-recast annual domestic revenue target of $696.4 million, the LRA said it remains on course to meet its 2024 revenue goal. This significant milestone reflects the steady progress in domestic revenue collection under the leadership of Commissioner General Jallah, whose strategic vision has positioned the LRA as a key player in driving national growth through improved revenue mobilization. Since March 2024, when CG Jallah took over, the LRA has consistently surpassed its monthly revenue collections compared to the same period in 2023, and is committed to reaching the one billion mark in the coming years.

The LRA acknowledges not only the commitment of taxpayers but also the invaluable contributions of its dedicated management team, hardworking employees, and external stakeholders. These efforts are further strengthened by strong partnerships with various government Ministries, Agencies, and Commissions (MACs) involved in revenue collection. This collective effort is aimed at bolstering the government’s capacity to increase fiscal spending on public services, infrastructure, and other national priorities, thereby advancing Liberia’s development agenda.

“We are encouraged by the progress we’ve made so far,” CG Jallah said, “but we are not complacent. We remain focused on achieving even greater results in the final months of this year. I commend every taxpayer, our staff, and all our revenue generating counterpart entities, partners and stakeholders for their tireless contributions. Together, we are building a stronger foundation for Liberia’s future.”

“In light of the recent barrage of negative propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation targeting the LRA and its leadership,” Jallah said, “I urge our staff, counterpart entities, stakeholders, and the general public to remain focused on our shared commitment to increasing domestic revenue. It is essential that we do not allow these distractions to undermine our unity, our trust in one another, or our commitment to the values that define us. These external forces seek to sow doubt and disrupt the important work we are doing together for our country. I strongly encourage you to verify any questionable information through reliable internal sources and remain steadfast in your roles as key contributors to our ongoing success. Let us continue to move forward with resilience, knowing that our collective strength will overcome these challenges.”

The LRA reiterates its commitment to providing a conducive environment for compliance, simplifying tax processes, and ensuring transparency in its operations. As part of its ongoing efforts, the Authority continues to invest in digitization initiatives to streamline tax payments, reduce bottlenecks, and close revenue leakages.

Looking ahead, the LRA is set to intensify its outreach and taxpayer education programs to ensure that more businesses and individuals understand their tax obligations and the impact of their contributions on national development.

The Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) has extended profound appreciation to all taxpayers across the country for their unwavering commitment to fulfilling their tax obligations, which is playing a pivotal role in advancing the country’s revenue collection efforts.

The LRA’s commendation of taxpayers serves as a prelude to the National Taxpayer Appreciation events scheduled for November, where the country’s highest and most compliant taxpayers will be honored for their invaluable contributions to Liberia’s progress.

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