
House Passes US$7.3 M National Budget

The House of Representatives has approved the 2024 Fiscal Budget in the amount of US$738,859,827. Members of the House of Representatives for the first time voted by roll call to approve the budget. The passage of the budget, followed a rigorous budget debate on Thursday, April 25, 2024 by that august body. The debate preceded…

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Africa Urged To Emulate Chinese Development

The President of the All-Africa Students Union (AASU) has called on leaders in Africa, especially Liberia, to emulate China’s developmental ingenuity and reforms. Speaking Monday, April 29, 2024 at the official visitation of the all China Students Federation to Liberia, AASU President Varney A. Jarsey said the history of the Chinese people is built on…

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Drug Users Graduate From Rehabilitation Center

Center for Rehabilitation and Reintegration (CFRR) sponsor by Montserrado County Senator, A. Darius Dillon, has graduated 17 disadvantaged youth and drug users. The graduation ceremony, which took place over the weekend, is the third exercise. The drug users underwent intensive detoxification and rehabilitation training at the Center. The ceremony was attended by Senate Pro-tempore, Nyonblee…

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EISA Urges NEC To Pay Workers

The Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa (EISA) has urged the National Elections Commission (NEC) to prioritize prompt payment of the Civil Voters Education (CVE) Cells workers. EISA, who deployed a six-member Short-term Technical Election Observation Mission to assess and report on all aspects of the 2024 legislative by-elections in Nimba County and Grand…

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ArcelorMittal Partners With Global Sustainability Front-Runner

ArcelorMittal Liberia (AML), is partnering with Environmental Resources Management (ERM), the world’s largest advisory firm focused on sustainability to assess environmental conditions, a statement has disclosed. The assessment was done in ArcelorMittal’s mining communities and operational areas in Nimba and Grand Bassa counties. When the assessment is concluded, ERM will guide ArcelorMittal Liberia (AML) to…

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SIANL Opens Office …Honors Dedicated Members

The Swedish Institute Alumni Network of Liberia (SIANL) has celebrated the opening of its offices in the country, while bestowing honors upon several dedicated members during a ceremonious event in Paynesville near Monrovia. Amidst a gathering of esteemed members and guests, the former president of SIANL, Sam Samie Sumo, officially opened the office and emphasized…

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ICT Day Celebrated

On International Girls in ICT Day, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Women in Information Communication Technology (WICT), Asatta Gbollie, has called on the Liberian Government to prioritize the employment of more women with ICT degrees in government’s offices. Speaking at the event, Madam Gbollie noted that this year’s theme for the Girls in ICT…

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Boakai Defends Foreigner’s Appointment

President Joseph Nyuma Boakai through his Press Secretary, Kola Fofana, has defended the reason behind the appointment of a Senegalese, Alioune Kebe, as Ambassador-At-Large for Youth and Sports Development. Speaking Friday, April 26, 2024 at the Executive Mansion in Monrovia, Madam Fofana said Kebe was appointed by President Boakai for his dedication and contribution to…

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Police Arrest ‘Imposter’

The Liberia National Police have arrested a man identified as Kelvin F. Bartee for impersonating as a Staff of the West African Examination Council Liberia Office. According to WAEC-Liberia, Kelvin has been soliciting monies from stakeholders under the pretext as a staff of WAEC with the assurance of helping them pass the public test. The…

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