‘No Internal Accountability In Gov’t’ …Senator Konneh Talks Tough


Gbarpolu County Senator Amara Konneh has disclosed that whether rescue, coalition or independent lawmaker, it’s clear that there’s a lack of desire for internal accountability within the government.

“We need to be able to ask tough questions and demand transparent answers” Senator Konneh in a Facebook post on Monday, July 8, 2024.

He observed that there is ethical storm brewing between the Executive Mansion and the Capitol Building, and it may end up in the Supreme Court.

“Let’s remember that we’re a country of laws, not individuals. Just a quick reminder of the important issues we need to address in the yellow machines debate. There’s currently no financing instrument in place at the Legislature for the recent acquisition of the yellow machines that the Executive Branch unveiled over the weekend,” Konneh said.

Senator Konneh further said he will speak to this matter on the Senate floor for the record when we receive the loan agreement.

He indicated that it is crucial that the Legislature has full transparency and oversight on this, as well as on the acquisition of other assets like police cars and potentially NTA buses.

He said the lack of evidence of competitive procurement is causing some serious concerns, and “If we don’t address this, it could bring some major problems for our government’s reputation and adherence to the rule of law, and could potentially lead to new sanctions of public officials if it is laden with graft and we do the usual Liberian thing. We can’t afford to ignore these issues.”

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