Liberia Hosts Int’l Investment Confab


The Government of Liberia in partnership with NOVA Africa Ventures has kicked off a 3-day inaugural Liberia Investment Conference designed to showcase the country’s vast potential and attract foreign investments.

The conference, being held at the EJS Ministerial Complex in Congo, will run from August 5-8, 2024, bringing  together government officials, business leaders, local and international investors and stakeholders to discuss and actively engage on strategic investment opportunities across various sectors.

The conference theme is “Winds of Change: Leveraging Private Sector Investment to Spur Growth and Development.” Delivering a special statement, President Joseph N. Boakai described the event as a pivotal moment in Liberia’s pursuit of economic growth and development. He said Liberia has vast untapped potential, large-scale investment and the deployment of new innovative technologies are needed to spur sustained economic growth.

President Boakai told the gathering that there is no higher priority for his administration than creating the conditions to improve the lives of every Liberian through strategic and large-scale investments in key sectors including agriculture, roads, education, infrastructure and tourism.

“It is my vision to transform Liberia into a hub of opportunities. This vision aligns with my ARREST Agenda, and I believe that partnerships with the private sector, both domestic and international, are integral to achieving our long-term goals,” he said.

The Liberian leader indicated that he wishes to extend an invitation to domestic and international partners, as well as Liberians in the diaspora to increase investments in Liberia. He stated that through the National Investment Commission (NIC), the government will collaborate with NOVA Africa Ventures to host his administration’s first National Investment Conference.

President Boakai narrated that during the conference, “We aim to showcase Liberia’s vast investment potential, highlighting lucrative opportunities across various sectors.” The Liberian leader added that the government will actively implement policies to create an enabling business environment, and the government is keenly interested in engaging with partners who share its commitment to sustainable development.

For his part, the National Investment Commission Chairman, Jeff Blibo, underscored the comprehensive governmental commitment to fostering strong partnerships with the private sector. Hon. Blibo explained that the event is a whole-of-government and inter-ministerial commitment to forging strong partnerships with the private sector for the good of the nation.

Ambassador David Anderson, President and CEO of NOVA Ventures Africa, expressed his enthusiasm for the event and pledged commitment to showcasing the abundant opportunities and unique potential that Liberia has to offer.

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