Gov’t Rolls Out Cash Transfer …In Four Counties


The Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection has rolled out a social cash transfer program in four counties.

Speaking Thursday, June 13, 2024 at the Ministry of Information regular press briefing, Gender Minister Gbeme Horace Kollie said the social cash transfer project is a component six of the REALISE project intended to reduce poverty and improve the livelihood of citizens.

According to her, the total amount of US$16,000 will be distributed to 16,000 households.
Minister Kollie revealed that the payment will cover national identification cards for all the households as well as cellphones with SIM cards registered in their names.

She named Grand Bassa, Rivercess, RiverGee and Grand Gedeh as the four counties that will be benefiting from the transfer. The minister clarified that the distribution of the money is on a family, and not a personal basis, so they are discussing with beneficiaries and educating them on the use of the money so as to avoid problems.
Meanwhile, the Ministry if Gender says it is focusing on a multi-sectorial approach to bring all ministries agencies together to establish gender units.

According to Minister Kollie, she is aware that a lot of abuses are going on at institutions around the country, where bosses are demanding sexual relationships with female staffs, and sometimes women are threatened of losing their jobs.

“We think this should stop; every woman must have the free space to work and explore her full potential; so we are going to be working with the units,” Minister Kollie said.

“We as a ministry are looking at it in the more holistic way, knowing the issues we are talking about and finding a way to address them,” Minister Kollie told reporters.

Commenting of the issue of kids selling in the streets, Minister Kollie said “it is a Liberia thing; it is Liberia business,” and all citizens must join hands to save the future of Liberia.

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