

We unintentionally published in our Monday, April 29, 2024 edition “House Passes US$7.3 M National Budget,” which was not the case; instead the House of Representatives actually passed US$738,859,827 million. We apologize for the error. Read the corrected version below.

Over US$738 M National Budget Passed

The House of Representatives has approved the 2024 Fiscal Budget in the amount of US$738,859,827.

Members of the House of Representatives for the first time voted by roll call to approve the budget.
The passage of the budget, followed a rigorous budget debate on Thursday, April 25, 2024 by that august body.
The debate preceded a report from the joint Ways, Means and Finance and Public Accounts Committees of the Legislature.

A statement issued by the House Press Bureau says the budget was originally, submitted at US$692,408,827 but after a thorough review, an increment of US$46,451,000.00 was made.

Meanwhile, House Speaker, Cllr. J. Fonati Koffa has lauded line ministries and agencies of Government for their collaboration during the revenue and expenditure hearings. The budget has been sent to the Senate for concurrence.

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