Climate Change Communication Plan Launched


The National Adaption Plans (NAP) organized by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), has launched a communication strategy for climate change adaptation in Liberia.
The event held Monday, April 8, 2024 in Monrovia, brought together dignitaries from United Nations, civil society, environmental organizations and the media.

Giving an overview, Project Officer, Arthur R. M. Becker said the NAP has five objectives including: raising awareness and understanding of national adaptation priorities, facilitate stakeholders’ engagement in adaptation decision making.

He said the objective will also enhance knowledge and capacity building on adaption, foster collaboration and partnership to advance the NAP process and monitor, evaluate and learn from communication efforts.

Becker said the communication work was supported by NAP Global Network in preparing an abridged version of NAP which will be translated into local languages for communication with sub-national decision makers.

Serving as Chief Launcher, EPA Chief Technical Advisor, Benjamin Karmorh said Liberia is ranked 174 among 177 countries that are vulnerable to the impact of climate change which is affecting human development drive.
Mr. Karmorh said the ranking is not good for Liberia thus, there is a need that the country works to reduce vulnerability.

“Having a communication strategy is a very good document to communicate with over 4.5 million population of Liberia that the issue of climate change is not an environmental issue but rather a developmental issue that affects all of us,” he said.

Karmorh said the Inter-governmental Partner of Climate Change has informed EPA that global temperature is on the increase and if care is not taken, there will be problem for global communities including Liberia.
He further said the communication strategy identifies those key climate sensitive sectors.

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