AIDS Commission Dialogues …On Sustainability Roadmap


The Government of Liberia through the National ADIS Commission has launched a national dialogue on HIV Sustainability Roadmap. The aim of the dialogue is to provide a concise yet broad overview of an array of critical measures and indicators that are related to the country’s HIV response.

Speaking Wednesday, August 14, 2024 at the dialogue in Monrovia, National ADIS Commission Chairperson Madam Cecelia J. Nuta said the gathering will also help to develop a document that will setup the sustainability strategy and the action plan that will help the country achieve the goals as it relates to the Sustainability Roadmap of HIV in Liberia. She said the new HIV infection will significantly increase the long-term fiscal burden for the countries and further establish sustainability challenges.

“As the country work towards achieving universal health coverage and contributing to the global effort to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030,” Madam Nuta indicated that there is a need to prioritize the development of a country tailored sustainability roadmap to guide and support the country and partners to reach the 2030 target and beyond.

She said the roadmap is important because it ensures continuous delivery of essential HIV prevention treatment and care services especially when the country’s HIV response is largely donor-driven.

She said the roadmap is also important because it optimizes resource allocation for efficiency and cost effectiveness, maximizes existing investments, integrates HIV programs into the health system and enhances the resilience and capacity of Liberia National Healthcare System to HIV, as well as other public health threats.

Madam Nuta encouraged speakers at the dialogue to be honest and intentional in their conversations as they proffer suggestions that will put the country in an empowered position to ensure that ongoing Global Fund and PEPFAR investments are strategically aligned with national long-term goals.

Dr. Catherine Cooper, Deputy Minister for Health/CMO, said the HIV Sustainability Roadmap outlines a country-led path for achieving the global AIDS target for 2025 ending AIDS by 2030 and sustaining the impact of the achievements beyond 2030.

“As we approve 2025, it is important that we intensify our work towards achieving a sustainable HIV response,” Dr. Cooper said, expressing the commitment of the Ministry and reassuring the National AIDS Commission of its support. For her part, USAID Health Office Director Sandra Bird said PEPFAR is proud to be a partner and stakeholder in Liberia’s national HIV response.

Madam Bird assured the National AIDS Commission that PEPFAR Liberia remains committed to the process, and looks forward to continued engagements to support Liberia in its final roadmap which can be implemented and monitored.

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