Quality Education Takes Shape…At Grand Kru Technical College


While education is the foundation of economic growth and human development, and serves as a root of every great country, the Grand Kru Technical College in Barclayville City, Grand Kru County, has introduced six major academic disciplines to prepare students for the future job market.

According to the Acting President of the College, Dr. Josephus Moses Gray, the new academic programs will help students to develop special skills and advance knowledge to prepare and empower the future general for the labor sectors.

The curriculum is designed in a special way to equip Liberian students in making meaningful contributions to society development.

The college’s curriculum and syllabi are developed to widen students’ critical thinking problem-solving skills, increase literacy levels and economic growth in the country.

As a result of the level of qualified and experienced faculty hired to teach and undertake research coupled with the high quality Associate degree programs being offered, the Technical College continues to experience rush by students to enroll.

Meanwhile, Dr. Gray thanked everyone in the Grand Kru Technical College and expressed gratitude for tremendous team spirit to register and admit over 100 students in a week’s time.

Out of this number, 76 persons are males and 21 females. The college projects about 160 students to enroll during this Special Academic semester which will commence 1 May 2024.

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