Civil Society Group On Lawmaker’s Work


The Movement with Integrity for National Development (MIND), has described Representative Bintu Massalay of Grand Cape Mount County as a beacon of hope for many youth, less fortunate, struggling students and market women through her numerous humanitarian endeavors.

A press release on Tuesday, April 23, 2024 quotes the Executive Director of MIND, Sekou D. Sonii as saying the countless assistance Representative Massalay has rendered the residents of District # 1 of Cape Mount and other parts of the county over the years has impacted the lives of several persons.

Sonii indicated that Representative Massalay’s generosity is immeasurable. “With the many years we have interacted with Representative Massalay, we can vouch for her kindheartedness, generosity and love for humanity, and through her oversight responsibility, representation and lawmaking functions, she has been present in all activities of the 55th National Legislature making immense contributions to the development of youth and sports in Liberia,” he said.

According to the release, Representative Massalay has impacted the growth of the economy as well as the nation’s infrastructure development through her many investments in different businesses.
“We call on you to continue the good work for the people of Grand Cape Mount District # 1 and other parts of the country as we are aware that you are a leader without boundaries,” the released concluded.

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