Bea Mountain To ‘Exploit’ Rivercess Minerals?


Amidst being accused of bad labor practices, failure to uphold corporate social responsibilities and environmental pollutions of its concession area in Kinjor, Grand Cape Mount County, worsened by recent protests that led to the death and injury of citizens, the Management of Bea Mountain Mining Company (BMMC) is opting to expand activities to River Cess County.

Speaking during a Town Hall Meeting with county authorities and scores of citizens in ITI on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, the company’s Country Representative Deba Allen said BMMC is very eager to mine in River Cess, but it must first complete exploration work done by her predecessor, AmLib United Mineral Inc, to determine the quantity and quality of gold in its concession areas.
Mr. Allen said his team of geologists will shortly begin to explore areas under its concession with less workforce before signing a formal Mineral Development Agreement with the citizens.

He emphasized peaceful cooperation and called on the people of River Cess to channel their grievances through the Legislative Caucus for amicable solution. He said the company during this process of exploration, will only be able to employ up to 150 contractors, but when the formal mining begins the company will provide up to 5,000 jobs.
Speaking on behalf of the citizens, the Chairperson of River Cess Legislative Caucus Senator Wellington Geevon-Smith challenged the citizens to denounce violence and channel their grievances through the Legislative caucus because this is the first time such a huge investment is coming to the county.

Senator Geevon-Smith called on the citizens to collectively engage the company on issues of concern for the growth and development of the county.
The meeting was marked by celebration and jubilation by the citizens before the eyes of the company executives on Wednesday, April 17, 2024.

However, it appears that this recent move by the mining company is raising more questions than answers as River Cess is already exposed to high level of illicit mining activities characterized by the abuse of human rights at some of these mining sites.

The current Executive Director of the National Identification Registry Andrew Peters, a key stakeholder of the county, described the meeting with Bea Mountain Mining Company as “restricted and teleguided”.
He said Bea Mountain failed to provide any further information as to how it acquired the exploration license of AmLib United Mineral Inc.

“Look, there was no meeting; the entire process was restricted and teleguided by the Legislative Caucus, I don’t know for what reason. During their (BMMC) presentation, they told us that they will continue from where AmLib stopped, but they did not tell us whether they bought the franchise,” Peters said.
Mr. Peters emphasized the need for the people of River Cess to understand the investment portfolio of the company based on their alleged human right abuses and bad investment practices.

Since the entry of Bea Mountain in the county, there have been mix reactions; other citizens have welcomed the company while others have accused the county Legislative Caucus of entering into what they called “clandestine” agreement with the company, an allegation the caucus consistently denied.
Bea Mountain Mining Corporation is a 100% subsidiary of Avesoro Resources Inc. and is dually listed on the Alternative Investment Market in London and the Toronto Stock Exchange.

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