CSNL Condemns Dismissals At NPA


The Civil Society Network of Liberia (CSNL) has condemned what it terms as arbitrary dismissal of 10 senior employees of the National Port Authority (NPA), including the Comptroller, Mr. Gabriel S. Bull.
Recently, the Managing Director of the National Port Authority, Mr. Sekou Dukuly dismissed the senior employees on alleged account of financial improprieties and administrative reasons.

But in a statement, CSNL said having investigated reasons and circumstances surrounding the dismissal of the senior employees, it views the dismissal as arbitrary, illegal, and a witch-hunt.
It claims that there is no substantially established reason why the Sekou Dukuly-led Administration will dismiss these senior employees.

CSNL contended that the NPA Management’s allegations of “financial improprieties and administrative reasons” are vague, ambiguous and lack evidence.
It alleged that the dismissed employees were never accorded due process, as provided for in Article 20 of the ¬¬1986 Liberian Constitution.

“We wonder as to how could these employees be dismissed without due process, which is a fundamental element of the Rule of Law,” it asks.
The group believes that from all investigations, the NPA Management’s decision fails to meet the minimum standard of evidence from any specific proven reason for said action.

“Our review and analysis of findings from the imaginary investigation conducted by the NPA Management regarding the termination of the employees’ service as Comptroller of the NPA, on the basis of discovering vouchers showing sums of money disbursed to the former ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) are not only manufactured but a premeditated action intended to illegally deny a Liberian of his right to employment. It is highly inconceivable or unthinkable for Mr. Bull to disburse six vouchers with a similar figure of US$9,500.00 on the same date of July 17, 2023,” the group added.

CSNL said findings from its investigations into NPA Management’s allegations that Mr. Bull authorized the disbursement of six vouchers, bearing identical figures and date for community engagements in support of the CDC’s 2023 Campaign is a fictional story being told, to justify the deliberate attempt to dismiss him and other senior staff.

“We strongly believe that the voucher disbursement’s allegation is a calculated ploy designed by the new NPA Management Team to remove Mr. Gabriel Bull and other affected Liberians from jobs. This manufactured account of the disbursement of fake vouchers is also intended to besmear the hard-earned reputation of Mr. Bull, who has served the National Port Authority for many years, with professionalism, integrity and transparency.

“During his 27 years of service at NPA, Mr. Bull has never been warned or suspended for any acts of financial malpractice,” the group noted.

The group Commends Montserrado County District 17 Representative, Bernard D. J. Benson for seeking the intervention of the House of Representatives in the abrupt dismissal of Bull and other senior staff of the NPA.

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