‘Modad Under Pressure’…Told To Go And Clear His Name


The ruling Unity Party (UP) through its Chairman J. Luther Tarpeh says Minister of Commerce Amin Modad should provide suitable evidence that will clear his name in the purchase of a luxury vehicle by Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) with funds from MedTech. Recently, news broke out that the Commerce Minister had procured a personal vehicle through the LRA worth over US$150,000 causing wide public criticisms.

To make matters worse, Margibi County Senator Nathaniel F. McGill has disclosed that was submitting a formal communication to the Senate Plenary, urging the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) to launch an immediate investigation into allegations of fraud, abuse of power, and corruption involving the Minister Modad.

The Margibi County Senator said the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) illegally purchased a vehicle for Modad, and the LRA as a revenue collection agency, has no mandate to buy vehicles for government officials.

But Commerce Minister Modad in response said, these are mere accusations, and the senator was shifting focus from his own controversial past, including his placement on a U.S. sanctions list for alleged corruption and human rights abuses.

Minister Modad rejected any personal wrongdoing, emphasizing that the vehicle in question was purchased for the Ministry of Commerce, with payments made directly to the vendor and no funds passing through his ministry or personal accounts.

“The vehicle was not custom-made and was certainly not purchased for $150,000 as has been falsely claimed. I’ve been using my personal vehicles, including an S-Class Mercedes, since I took office eight months ago, and I cover the costs of fuel and my driver’s salary myself,” Minister Modad said.

He said that photos being posted portraying the vehicle in question, “are in fact photos of former US President Trump’s vehicle.” Commenting of the issue, the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) in a release on Monday, September 23, 2024 clarified that it did not purchased a vehicle valued at US$150,000, as reported.

However, it confirms the approval of the MOCI’s request in early May 2024 for US$96,000.00 from its Customs Capacity Building Fund under the Destination Inspection (DI) Contract held with MEDTECH Scientific Limited (MTS) for the purchase of vehicles to support the MOCI.

The entity said these vehicles are intended for trade-related activities in collaboration with Customs. The specifications of the vehicles, as well as their deployment within MOCI, are determined by the MOCI, not the LRA. This revelation brought about even more public backlash into the matter.

But addressing a press conference on Tuesday, September 24, 2024, UP Chairman Tarpeh said it’s true that party does not question Minister Modad’s ability to lead the sector that has been trusted to him by President Joseph N. Boakai, but the public’s concern about the issue cannot be swept under the carpet.

Chairman Tarpeh said the party is not accusing Minister Modad of corruption neither is it defending him, but he should come out with relevant documents to exonerate himself.

“All partisans home and above should allow Minister Modad defend himself in the way he thinks is right, and we can assure the public the that UP government’s fight against corruption will remain strong and the party will work hard for the people,” Chairman Tarpeh said. He said the party will not sit there and allow any officials of the government to drag its name in the mud of corruption.

“I call on all public officials to serve the Liberian people’s interest rather than their luxurious life, and if you desire to live a luxury life then you should go and start your own company because Liberian jobs are not for luxurious life,” Tarpeh said. He said the honeymoon time for all their public officials is over because they were placed in government to do the people’s work and they must do in line with the oaths they took.

“The Unity Party wants to ask Liberians home and aboard to remain calm on corruption saga and be assured that upon the return of President Boakai, he will look into the matter and take the necessary action,” he said.

Tarpeh said the party will not protect anybody found in corruption because it is only loyal to protect the Liberians people, saying the UP will fight corruption because it is a cancer that has keep nation in poverty. Chairman Tarpeh said beginning now and going forward, the party will be robust and a watchdog in making sure that what it promised the Liberian people be done.


By Tonita N. Copson

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