Justice Minister Reports On Western Cluster


By Lucky M.McGee, Cub Reporter

 The Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Justice says it has reinstated Western Cluster road user permit. Speaking Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at the Ministry of Information regular press briefing, Justice Minister and Attorney General Cllr Oswald Tweh said in August 2011, the Government of Liberia and Western Cluster Limited signed a mineral development agreement, and in April 2022, executed a memorandum of understanding for a road user permit to be issued by the Ministry of Public Works to allow the company transport iron ore via Bomi to Monrovia road.

He said the permit was issued to Western Cluster in June 2022 and was expected to expire on July 24, 2025. However, on May 3, 2024, the Ministry of Public Works suspended the road user permit due to violations by the company.

The violations included, hauling of iron ore beyond the 30 tons limit, hauling of ore throughout both day and night, failure to install a bridge and effectively maintain the road from Bomi to the Freeport of Monrovia, amongst others.

On June 5, 2024 following series of engagements with the company, Minister Tweh said the suspended road user permit was reinstated under conditions that the company widens the road corridor, ensure each truck of ore does not exceed 30 tons load limit and only move materials between 6:00 PM to 7: AM daily, and that the company places a hotline number on each truck for the public to report reckless driving and other violations.

He said on Saturday, September 14, 2024, in compliance with a presidential mandate, he led a team on a tour to inspect the road from Virginia to Bomi County to assess the current condition of the road, observe maintenance work carried out by the company and review interventions.

Minister Tweh said their inspection revealed that Western Cluster had done some repair and maintenance work along the road corridor and hired a contractor to continuously maintain the road. He said the company is almost done with fixing the bridge close to the St. Paul Bridge it will be using until the finishing process during the dry season.

Meanwhile, he said Western Cluster has committed to be in compliance with the environmental laws of Liberia, ensure all ores are transported between 10:PM to 5:AM daily, and adhere to the improved traffic management plans to maintain the road constantly.


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