Tension Mounts In Zwedru…Over Alleged Attempt To Shield Rapist


An alleged conspiracy to cover up for a 28-year-old Fula man only identified only as Alpha, who allegedly raped a four-year-old girl is said to be brewing tension in Zwedru, Grand Gedeh County.

The alleged crime was reportedly committed in the Zanwoo Quarters community of Zwedru City. According to information gathered so far, the culprit was caught by a resident identified as Christian, but friends and relatives of the alleged culprit reportedly fought Christian and allowed the alleged rapist to flee into hiding and still remains at large.

Some relevant state authorities in the county are said to be giving the grave incident cold shoulders due to financial influence from the alleged rapist’s family members and friends despite the pressure from civil society institutions and local officials of the Ministry of Gender, Children & Social Protection.

It is also alleged that some individuals, including Grand Gedeh County Senator, Thomas Yaya Nimely, are in communication with the County’s prosecuting authorities to influence the release of those apprehended by the police for obstruction of justice.

Those that were arrested for alleged obstruction of justice include Abullah Barry, Habib Barry, Asatu Jalloh, and Mariama Bah.

Further reports from the county speak of a syndicate of connivance between the local prosecuting authorities and some Monrovia-based individuals including Senator Nimely, who is allegedly misusing his portfolio, abusing power by conniving with some local officials to baffle the case.

Despite the suspects being charged by the police over a week now, they are yet to be placed on active prosecution due to the undue interference.

There are fears that family members and residents who are growing increasingly angry over the situation, could take their anger and frustration to an unpleasant level if nothing is done urgently to address the matter.

Meanwhile, responding to allegations of his involvement in shielding the alleged rapist, Senator Nimely, via Smile FM, Zeedru, denied the allegations, and clarified that he was approached by the Fula Governor in Grand Gedeh County to intervene for the temporary release of two of the suspects, one of whom has just gone through a surgical operation and the other, a young baby mother.

Despite the Senator denying the allegations, accusing fingers are still being pointed at him and the County Attorney of Grand Gedeh for frustrating all efforts to speedily address this very serious matter.

After Senator Nimely denied his involvement in any syndicate to shield the alleged rapist, questions are still being asked as to whether the two individuals whose release was purportedly sought by the Fula Governor on humanitarian grounds, got into their conditions before or after the rape incident, because if the young baby mother gave birth and the operation patient went through his or her procedure before their involvement in the reported confrontation that led to the escape of the alleged rape victim, then they are fit enough to face any process of investigation and subsequent prosecution.

Citizens and residents of Grand Gedeh County are also calling on the leadership of the Liberia National Police, Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, as well as the office of President Joseph Nyuma Boakai, to intervene and take the matter seriously in order not to repeat the past mistakes or negligence where similar cases were handled poorly thus denying victims their deserve justice.

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