“Give Bureau Of Corrections Autonomy”…Deputy Supt. Juah Urges Gov’t


The Monrovia Central Prison Deputy Superintendent for Administration Joel Justin Juah has called on the Government of Liberia to through the Presidency to engage the Legislature in making sure that the Bureau of Corrections and Rehabilitation be granted an autonomous agency status.

Deputy Supt. Juah made the statement during the August 24 Flag Day celebration when Jeety Trading’s Corporation distributed its regular hot cooked meal to inmates at the Monrovia Central Prison known as South Beach.

He said the location of the prison is an early warning sign, and individuals monitor the day-to-day activities as a result of a house close to the prison facility. Juah said the Bureau becoming an autonomous agency, will lessen most of the problems that prison management faces; adding that it is sad that Bureau of Corrections sector does not have much attention compared to the Liberia Drugs Enforcement Agency (LDEA) and others sectors that fall under the Ministry of Justice as autonomous entities.

He further said there has been previous engagement with past governments to make that sector autonomous but nothing was done in that line to improve the sector. According to him, if the inmates are not rehabilitated adequately, reintegration becomes a problem, an aspect which is important all around the world.

“Prison rehabilitation programs need to be looked at and supported efficiently; as a result, those who have come in conflict with the law upon their release become useful people in society,” Juah said.  Commenting on government officials’ neglect to the up-keeping of prisons, Juah said individuals who have passed or will pass through the wall of the Monrovia Central Prison are currently seated in high positions such as senators and representatives, yet the Bureau is disregarded and overlooked in terms of budgetary allotment or support to the prison.

He said government officials that will come in conflict with the law and be thinking prison authority will play magic to put them in the best cell will not be possible. “Irrespective of your status, we will place you in where other inmates are placed. When you had the resources you did not pay attention to improving the system. There must be an exciting and good structure to hold inmates. If you are not doing what you are supposed to do then it is about time to pay attention and make the Bureau an autonomous agency,” he said

However, he commended Justice Minister Cllr. Oswald Tweh for his engagement in the shortest time in improving the Monrovia Central Prison, which speaks to the fact that he has a better plan for the prison relocation as it does not meet the contemporary standards around the world.

Meanwhile, Deputy Supt. Juah praised Upjit Sachdeva (Jeety) along with his team for always supporting various prisons and for contributing immensely with things to boost the prison facility such as feeding 1624 inmates with nutritional meals, soft drinks and sachets of water, among others.

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