University Debate Begins


The University of Liberia has kicked off the 2024 second edition of the Liberia National Inter-University Debate Competition between nine universities. The competition which begun on Monday, August 19, 2024 in the auditorium of the University of Liberia on Capitol Hill, will end on the 25th  of August,  thus making UL the first University to host it since the formation of the competition in 2023.

Participating Universities at this year’s championship include, the University of Liberia, African Methodist Episcopal University (AMEU), Stella Maris Polytechnic University, Cuttington University, Nimba University, Adventist University of West Africa, Notre Dame University, Faith University and United Methodist University.

Debating teams are expected to engage each other on variety of research topics surrounding tertiary education, global economy and regional trade, environmental studies and climate change, science and technology, governance and the rule of law, peace and security, health sciences, corruption, etc.

The competition will also introduce a public speaking category at this year’s national event. The winner of the competition will represent Liberia at the International Debate Championship in Bulgaria in 2025.

Speaking at the Opening Ceremony, UL Acting President Prof. Dr. Al Hassan Conteh, thanked the organizers for selecting the UL to host the 2024 edition of the championship. Dr. Conteh said the event is a testament to the intellectual vibrancy and the spirit of academic excellence that thrive university students- the prime movers of the event.

He told the students that debate is a part of higher education and that the UL, like most universities, considers it a crucial exercise that is included in their curriculum. Conteh challenged the participants to delve into present issues, analyze them from multiple perspectives, and articulate their arguments with clarity and conviction.

For her part, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for International Organizations, Karishma Pelham-Raad, lauded the efforts of the organizers for gathering young people of different backgrounds to make use of what they are learning and interacting with each other through knowledge sharing .

Minister Pelham-Raad described the opening of the 2024 Inter-University Debate Competition as a showcase of individual and collective display of high intellect.

“This event does not only mark the significant milestone in our academic calendar, but also represents the vibrant celebration of intellect, critical thinking and the power of dialogue”, Min. Pelham-Raad stated. She urged participants to cultivate the spirit of inquiry, the pursuit of knowledge, and the commitment to reason.

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