Civil Servants Warned …Over Unruly Conduct


The Civil Service Agency (CSA) of Liberia has warned government employees against what it termed as unbecoming conducts at public institutions. In a press statement issued Monday, August 19, 2024, CSA Director General Josiah Joekai said the entity is the custodian of the integrity of the civil service and has observed unbecoming conduct amongst civil servants including dishonesty, unethical behavior, criminal activities/and disrespectful or offensive actions.

Specifically, he said the prevalence of bullying and the use of disrespectful, derogatory and unfounded remarks directed at superiors and subordinates, both in the workplace, on various social and mainstream media platforms have become increasingly concerning.

He said such behaviors clearly violate Chapter 4, Section 2.1 and 2.2 of the Standing Orders for the Civil Service and the personnel handbooks of various government spending entities.

“Furthermore; Chapter 9, Section 2 of the Code of Conduct for Public Servants as contained in the Hùman Resources Policy Manual (Revised), charges that a public servant should act professionally at all times; shall exhibit good conduct at all times, both at work and off duty.  He or she shall be honest, faithful and just and shall not act in a manner of derogatory to the honor or dignity of the public service,” he said.

The CSA boss said any civil servant engaging in unbecoming conduct will be subject to disciplinary action per the Standing Orders and other relevant personnel guidelines and regulations governing their respective entities.

He said these measures are not to be taken lightly and are essential to maintaining professionalism decency, and integrity of the public service. Joekai said the CSA is unwavering in its commitment to upholding the principles of democracy including freedom of speech in the workplace.

“Civil servants are not only allowed but encouraged to express constructive criticism and respectfully engage in policy discussions or employee-related matters with their respective management,”Joekai said. However, he said doing so responsibly and respectfully is not only their right but also fosters a positive and healthy working environment.

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