Gov’t Worries …Sea Erosion Hits Greenville


The Government of Liberia has expressed concerns over massive sea erosion currently taking place in the southeastern city of Greenville, Sinoe County.

Speaking Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at the Ministry of Information regular press briefing, Information Minister Jerolinmek M. Piah said the government has assured those affected by the sea erosion that the National Disaster Management agency is well prepared to assist where needed.

Minister Piah said the situation in Sinoe and other counties along the coastal area is grave and the Government of Liberia will act swiftly and effectively.

It can be recalled that a huge portion of Greenville City, Sinoe County, was recently hit by widespread sea erosion as residents pleaded for government’s swift intervention.

The residents complained to the government that the erosion is gradually wiping away portions of the city and stressed the need for urgent action to prevent further worsening of the crisis.

Mississippi and Water Streets are some of the historic places in the city affected by the sea disaster.

It was reported that the erosion has displaced thousands of residents of the county and also placed a huge burden on local income earners who are affected.

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