Police Officer Sent To Jail …For ‘Killing’19-Year-Old Man


The Monrovia City Court has sent to jail Officer David S. Fayiah for allegedly shooting a 19- year-old man identified as Monoba Mohammed. After spending four days in police custody, the Liberia National Police finally charged and sent to court Officer Fayiah.

Defendant Fayiah stands accused of killing 19-year-old Mohammed in Brewerville outside Monrovia. The incident according to police, occurred on August 3, 2024. Following police investigation, Magistrate Ben Barco remanded Defendant Fayiah to the Monrovia Central Prison.

Defendant Fayiah was arrested and charged with Murder, Possession or Sales of Physical Objects for Lethal Use, which is in violation of Chapter 14; Sections 14.1 Chapter 17; Section 17.11 of the Revised Penal Code of Liberia.

He was acquainted of his constitutional rights, investigated and subsequently charged for allegedly shooting to death a 19-year-old man. Police charge sheet indicated that police officers responded to the scene where the shooting incident occurred on August 3, 2024. Upon obtaining information of the alleged shooting incident, police conducted preliminary investigation with the owner of a tea shop where the victim collapsed.

Mohammed Bobo narrated that while at his shop attending to customers, he received information that there was a situation unfolding at the junction near the shop. He further disclosed that he learned that a fellow collapsed at the junction and everyone was running there to find out what had happened to him.

According to Bobo, he got unconfirmed report that probably the fellow could have been running one of the gas stations which is situated at the rear of his shop, a little further back in the community, but he actually did not hear any shooting.

However, investigation into the matter confirmed that the victim, Mohammed Manobah who collapsed at the junction was shot by Officer Fayiah of the Police Support Unit (PSU), who is also Commander of the Zone-6 Depot-3 Police Station sub-station in the area. The defendant is expected to be in detention pending criminal prosecution.

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