Former UP USA-Chapter Chair Frowns At Weah …Over Wave Of Threats


The former National Chairman of the ruling Unity Party USA-Chapter Fredrick Samuel Gibson, Sr. has condemned in the most vital term, the wave of threats posed to the peace, security, and stability of Liberia by former officials of the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC).

Mr. Gibson alluded to the latest threats contained in the address of former President George Manneh Weah on July 31, 2024, when he vowed that the CDC will use every mean at its disposal to stop the UP-led government from undermining the rule of law and threatening Liberia’s peace.

Speaking Saturday, August 3, 2024 from the United States of America, the former UP USA-Chapter Chairman alleged that it is former President Weah and CDCians who have consistently threatened the peace and security of the country by orchestrating a systematic campaign aimed at castigating and vilifying the government, instigating civil disobedience, inciting protests aimed at causing unrest and other forms of disruptive activities to distract the government from implementing its development agenda.

According to him, since the defeat of the former President in the just ended election democratic election in 2023, individuals from CDC have vowed to be disruptive opponents, thereby embarking on a campaign to terrorize the country with activities aimed at creating the impression that Liberia is ungovernable, unstable, and unfit for investment.

“I am sending out a clarion call to the people of Liberia, the sub-region, and the world at large, to take a keen look at the sinister and satanic machinations of the past regime styling itself as a grassroots political party with the view of stopping it from wrecking further damage on the socio-economic and political landscape of the country,” he asserted.

Gibson however, called on Liberians to focus on crawling out of CDC and dumped them during their six years of misrule, misery, and catastrophic plundering of the nation’s resources by supporting President Boakai and his government in the rescue operation.

Gibson said, “Sadly, former President Weah’s action in denouncing a legally correct government action to clean up the system of corruption is intended to circumvent what he knows is coming for him and his fellow predators.”

“On a serious note, Liberians in the diaspora are alarmed at the trajectory of events and the lack of commitment and support from the opposition in the fight against corruption in Liberia. They particularly frowned on President Weah’s recent statement to the people of Liberia-a call to rally his base for insurrection and to disturb the peace,” he stated.

The former UP USA-Chapter indicated that this is the time for Liberian to defuse and de-escalate the tension in the country through constructive engagements and coordinated efforts by the government and the opposition to improve the lives of the people of Liberia.

At the same time, Gibson has described the cry of witch-hunt by the former President as fake adding that if cleaning the mess, the past government created in Liberia is a witch-hunt, then UP-USA fully supports that witch-hunt and called on President Boakai to intensify the process.

He revealed that the UP USA-Chapter is convinced that the former President is aware of being hunted for a legitimate cause.
“In my capacity as former President of Unity Party USA, I declare my full support for implementing the ARREST Agenda,” Gibson concluded.

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