Boakai Gets Tough …On ‘Corrupt’ Officials


President Joseph N. Boakai has called on the Minister of Justice Cllr. J. Oswald Tweh to fear nothing in dealing with corruption suspects who will be identified by audit reports.
Speaking at the opening of his administration’s Fifth Cabinet Meeting Friday, August 2, 2023, President Boakai stated that as the leader of the country, he fears nothing in bringing corrupt officials to face justice; therefore, Minister Tweh should not be afraid to prosecute corrupt officials but ensure the right thing is done.

The Liberia leader said his government will continue to go after people who have looted state resources because the citizens want accountability.
“We will run after them and bring them to justice even if they call it witch-hunt, but the Liberian people will appreciate this,” President Boakia said.

Meanwhile, the President used the occasion to warn his cabinet members against malpractice and inefficiency, as hidden agenda intended for business as usual will not be tolerated under his administration.

Boakai said, “If you come to the cabinet to do the same thing that you think used to happen, with adequate information, we are going to come behind you. Once we identify and make sure we know them, you are going to leave and when you leave, I don’t care who ask for you to come back, you are not coming back.”

“It’s about time that we know we are serving the Liberian people. I am not afraid of anybody. God will protect me,” he said.
The President stated that from the inception of his government, he decided to bring in people with integrity who have love for the country and are willing to serve for its good.

“When we started bringing ministers, we decided to bring people with integrity, people that love the country and want a good country. The moment you start missing that, you are telling me that I made a mistake and I don’t think I made a mistake,” Boakai indicated.

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