Charles Sirleaf Is Dead


Ex-Deputy Governor for Operations of Central Bank of Liberia (CBL), and son of Former President Ellen Jonson Sirleaf, Charles Sirleaf is dead.

The 68 year-old died on Monday, June 3, 2024 in Ghana after a period of illness.
Mr. Sirleaf served as Deputy Governor and Acting Executive Governor of the CBL during the regimes of Presidents Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, George Weah and the National Transitional Government between 2004 and 2020.
During his tenure, he was known for his efforts to stabilize the country’s economy and implement critical financial reforms.

Charles served as Deputy Governor for Operations at the Central Bank of Liberia from 2012 to 2020 and temporarily held the position of Executive Governor following the resignation of then Governor Milton Jones.
After Governor Weeks’ appointment as Executive Governor, Sirleaf returned to his post as Deputy Governor for Operations.

His second tenure was marred by a series of financial scandals, including allegations of printing excess banknotes outside of the law.
He was appointed and commissioned in February 2016 to a five-year tenure but was dismissed in 2018 when the CDC-led government took office.

He was among several Central Bank Governors charged in connection with the alleged unlawful printing of local currency worth millions of dollars that reportedly disappeared in 2018.

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