Failed 100 Days..SUP Claims

The Vanguard Student Unification Party (SUP), says President Joseph N. Boakai’s first 100 days in office was is a failure.

According to a press statement released by the student group on 28 May in Monrovia, SUP recalled January of 2024 that President Boakai promised the Liberian people of an agenda that will reflect change and shift the paradigm of governance.

According to the students, the President made a commitment of delivering on key indicators in the first 100 days of his presidency which was not met.

“Interestingly, after more than 100 days in office, the Bokai-Koung administration has only dabbled in wanton lies, deceit and unimaginable contradictions,” the statement noted.

They claimed that since Boakai took over as President of Liberia, his 42-year experience in government has proven nothing in the short-term experiment, but massive poverty, hardship and growing corruption.

According to them, the Liberian leader promised to build and enhance the capacity of 10,000 youths in ICT, and assuredly secure for Liberian students a means to benefit from foreign and local scholarship opportunities, but said the government is yet to deliver on these promises despite over 100 days of his presidency.

The Students Unification Party also explained that the Liberian economy is going through the abuse of mismanagement amidst the already prevailing economic hardship, high level of youthful unemployment, and the skyrocketing of prices on local commodities and transportation.

SUP narrated that the Boakai-Koung administration also promised to restore the economic dignity and probity of the Liberian people in 100 days, but the promise has proven more political if not chronically pretentious.

“Patronage, cronyism, brown-nose sycophancy, and nepotism are the new licenses of employment thereby denying several qualified young Liberians the right and opportunity to serve their country and contribute to nation building and as well leaving young people with motorcycle and Lone Star and Orange minutes long-walk hustles as means of survival,” the statement indicated.

They also alleged that the lack of adequate means of transportation continue to increase the price of transportation hence shifting economic hardship on the Liberian masses.

The University of Liberia political group narrated that since the Boakai leadership, poverty is on the rise, hardship is increasing and hunger and starvation are reaching new heights; saying, amidst all these challenges, the President is flagrantly flying private jets across the region and bringing no economic benefit to the Liberian people.

Meanwhile, the student political group has called on the Liberian people to remain resilient in troubling times of national discontent and man-up to the Boakai’s administrative vulgarity and greed.

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