Lawsuit Hangs Over RAL President …Over US$3k Saga


Journalists under the banner ‘Young Journalists Association of Liberia’ (YOJAL) have threatened to file a lawsuit against the President of the Reporters Association of Liberia (RAL), Willie Tokpah, if he fails to provide the US$3,000 given the association by former Liberia Maritime Authority Commissioner Eugene Nagbe.
Speaking to reporters Tuesday, February 27, 2024 in Monrovia, the Chairman of YOJAL Lincoln G. Peters said that, “We (YOJAL) are calling on Mr. Willie Tokpah and his leadership to refund our money as soon as possible. Gone are the days where out of the sweat of many, few enjoy. Mr. Tokpah will be declared Persona Non-Grata as long he remains defiant to the call of reporters. We want Mr. Tokpah to provide an account for our money or we will take him to the law.”

According to YOJAL, President Tokpah has proven to be a common criminal; therefore, the association has decided to treat him as such. “Distinguish reporters, you are aware that RAL told us that no money was squandered, after constant pressure, RAL again informed us in a press statement that the money will be refunded by the President, but it is not 3k, rather 2k,” Journalist Peters explained.

Peters noted that while serving as Vice President during the leadership of former President Cecelia Clark, RAL President fought Madam Clark on grounds that she was corrupt, arrogant and lacks transparency and accountability.
He alleged that within the space of one year, Tokpa has proven gross incompetence, arrogance, corruption, most disappointingly, insensitivity to the prevailing plights and conditions affecting reporters across the country.
“Journalist Tokpa, who we overwhelmingly voted, has begun doing ten times more than the previous administration of Madam Clark whom he criticized at the time, and has continuously deviated from what he advocated and promised reporters across the country,” Peters indicated.

Journalist Peters also alleged that the RAL President has been in the controversy of allegedly squandering 3K and other funds belonging to the association.
However, the Young Journalists Association of Liberia through its Chairman has mandated Tokpah to tender his resignation and leave the institution with immediate effect due to his failure to demonstrate leadership and develop a comprehensive Policy Road Map Document for the institution.

“Mr. Tokpah, since ascending to the presidency, has failed to call a general assembly, demonstrate conflict resolution and mitigation skills. Additionally, during the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) leadership saga, Mr. Tokpah also failed to provide leadership, journalist’s rights were grossly abused and assaulted with nobody to speak on their behalf,” he said.
Peters stated that in compliance with other media associations, Tokpah has been banned from associating and entering the Judicial Association, Legislative reporters and Executive Mansion offices to do any transaction or relaxation.

When contacted, RAL Secretary General Bobby Tingan said that the money in question that being alleged by the YOJAL is not US$3k, but US$2,700.
According to him, when the money was given to the RAL President on behalf of the association, there was no active bank account for the association; the President had to keep the money at his residence.
“We were unable to keep the money because at that time the RAL did not have any active account and because the financial secretary was not around, Willie Tokpa carried the money (US$3k) on grounds that he is a senior official,” Tingan explained.

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