Fahnbulleh Ranks Best Performing Lawmaker


Bong County District #7 Representative, Foday Fahnbulleh has been ranked “A” as one of the best performing lawmakers for the first quarter of the 55th Liberian Legislature.
The ranking of Representative Fahnbulleh by Corruption Watch through its score cards was triggered by his workings both at the Capitol building and his district.

Bong County Lawmaker is among several new Lawmakers to represent their respective Districts and counties.
The Bong County Lawmaker being ranked in the first performing category means, Representative Fahnbulleh performed both in his District and at the Caption building to the expectation of his people.

It can be recall, the Bong County District #7 Representative upon his election, championed the cause of the people of his district by ensuring that China Union live up to its concession agreement; something that was done through a communication to the Plenary of the House of Representatives for an appropriate action to be taken.
The communication of Representative Fahnbulleh against the 2.6 billion company resulted to ongoing road works, improvement in the health sector, improved educational activities among others.

He also wrote the plenary of the House of Representatives calling the attention of his colleagues about the environmental impact of illicit mining causing pollution of the St. Paul River in the area.
In his communication, he raised concerns about the danger chemicals being used on the St. Paul River for those fetching for better living conditions, but failed to realize that their work is causing serious health threats that may result in what he calls national health threat.

The communication considers the Ministry of Mines and Energy, Environmental Protection Agency, Ministry of Health to be cited by that body to ensure that appropriate actions been taken.
At the Same time, the Lawmaker advocated for the smallholder rubber farmers under the Banner; Consortium of Rubber Sector calling for a competitive market by lifting Executive order #124 placed on the exportation of unprocessed Rubbers by former President George Manneh Weah.

The advocacy of Representative Fahnbulleh was through a communication sent to the plenary of the House of Representatives calling on his colleagues to take a decision for the ban to be life and such advocacy was overwhelmingly voted upon by the Lawmakers.

Furthermore, the Bong County lawmaker was among other Lawmakers sent to investigate the Bea Mountain concession Company saga with the people of Grand Cape Mount County.

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