
China Boosts Communication Infrastructure

The Government of China has donated solar powered systems to the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications intended to boost communication infrastructure and economic development of eight of Liberia’s fifteen counties. The implementation of the project will provide a stable, reliable, clean and green power supply for the central office as well as other eight counties…

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UNDP Hands Over Laptops To Local Cooperatives

Environment experts say saving paper means combating deforestation, and in the case of Liberia, thousands of acres of forests are cut down to produce charcoal, increasing climate change, flooding, and air pollution. To contribute to the reduction of the use of paper, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through the Accelerated Community Development Programme (ACDP),…

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ArcelorMittal Launches School Supply Initiative

Over the weekend, Jozephus Coenen, the CEO of ArcelorMittal Liberia, launched another round of ArcelorMittal Liberia’s ‘Community School Supply Initiative’. This initiative aims to provide educational materials to students in need. It will target the distribution of branded notebooks, pens, and pencils to over 10,000 students from more than 40 primary schools in the counties…

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Civil Society Group On Lawmaker’s Work

The Movement with Integrity for National Development (MIND), has described Representative Bintu Massalay of Grand Cape Mount County as a beacon of hope for many youth, less fortunate, struggling students and market women through her numerous humanitarian endeavors. A press release on Tuesday, April 23, 2024 quotes the Executive Director of MIND, Sekou D. Sonii…

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Police Officers Deployed For By-Elections

Police Inspector General, Gregory O.W Coleman, has ordered the deployment of elections security officers for the by-elections in Nimba and Grand Gedeh Counties. The elections are expected to be held on Tuesday, April 23, 2024. Speaking with senior officers On Friday, April 19, 2024 ahead of the deployment, Coleman instructed supervisors to ensure the thorough…

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Senator Under ‘Fire’

Free Conscious Independent and Objective Thinkers of Liberia has taken issues with Gbarpolu County Senator, Amara M. Konneh on several issues. According to a statement, Executive Director, Morris Swen said Liberia’s democracy and the rule of law are headed for trouble when select senators abrogate to themselves unorthodox powers that undermine the separation of powers…

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