Women NGOs Lash At Yekeh


The Women NGOs Secretariat of Liberia (WONGOSOL) has refuted a statement made by Montserrado County District #10 Representative, Yekeh Kolubah against Women Human Rights Defenders, during a live interview on Sunday, April 7, 2024, whilst responding to a social media post of him and a young lady.
A WONGOSOL statement dated Tuesday, April 9, 2024, indicated that Representative Kolubah described women rights defenders as “less busy individuals”; adding that such an utterance is an affront to the work of the Women’s Human Right Defenders.

The women group has called on Yekeh to retract his statement within 24-hours and failure to do so, will leave the women with the option to seek remedy available to them.

WONGOSOL has also called on Representative Kolubah to instead exercise his duly constitutional oversight roles, and refrain from dictating to women’s rights organizations.
“As Women Human Rights Defenders, we work to ensure accountability and ensure a safe environment for especially the vulnerable groups,” the statement narrated.

The group said it has been engaging in the matter and has focused attention on the protection of the young lady, who happens to be a teenager, calling on the public to refrain from further exposing the young lady to social media bullying and other threats to her person, wellbeing and livelihood.

WONGOSOL has condemned Representative Yekeh’s statement; describing it as a complete disregard to the Women of Liberia.

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