UN Holds Annual Retreat


The United Nations Country Team Liberia (UNCT) held its annual retreat at the Farmington Hotel in Margibi from April 15-17, 2024 highlighting collective delivery and support to national development planning.

UN Resident Coordinator Christine Umutoni led the UN Country Team of 21 agencies during the three-day event held under the theme “Working Together Towards Liberia’s Transformation”.
Speaking at the close of the retreat on Wednesday, April 17, 2024 in lower Margibi County, Madame Leymah Gbowee, former Nobel Peace Laureate, said peace is not just the absence of war but the presence of conditions that give dignity to all.

At this year’s annual retreat, Government officials, development partners, CSOs, amongst others, attended. Respective government agencies delivered their vision and perspectives during panel discussions. Development partners spoke on strengthening collaboration with the United Nations while civil society delivered a message on how partnership with the UN could be enhanced.

The retreat offered a moment for the UN Country Team to reflect on strategic and transformational priorities to define a collective offer of support to the new administration especially in the context of the development and implementation of the new National Development Plan and County Development Agendas.
Meanwhile, Liberia has a new government which is in the process of developing its National Development Plan (NDP) and County Development Agenda (CDA) which will be aligned with the Liberia Vision 2030, the SDGs, and Africa’s Agenda 2063.

The current United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) was extended for one year to December 2025. The UN will then develop a new UNSDCF which will align with the new NDP and CDA.
The retreat offers a good opportunity to discuss and agree on the UN strategic directions and how best to accompany the country in achieving its national aspirations.

The United Nations and partners remain ready to accompany the government’s national development plan and its implementation. The UN looks forward to continuing to deliver as one, leaving none behind and delivering stronger at both national and subnational levels.

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