Team Unity Wants Urgent Action…By PUL’s Interim C’ttee


Team Unity of Mae Azango has voiced significant concerns regarding the transparency and preparedness of the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) Election Commission, just two days before the initially scheduled election date of August 24, 2024.

According to a release dated August 21, 2024, candidates representing Team Unity are Mae Azango for President, Aloysious Makor for Vice President, Akoi Baysah for Secretary General, and Julius Konton for Assistant Secretary General. The group is calling on the Committee to urgently address a series of critical issues that threaten to undermine the fairness and credibility of the upcoming elections.

In a formal letter to Mr. Peter Quaqua, Chairperson of the PUL Interim Committee, Team Unity expressed alarm over the lack of essential updates related to the election process. As of August 21, 2024, the Interim Committee did not confirm whether the election would take place as planned until late Wednesday upon receiving its letter that outlined a series of concerns. The release said that the absence of clear communication regarding the election date is causing widespread confusion and apprehension across the electorate.

“One of the primary concerns raised by Team Unity is the failure of the Interim Committee to release the voters’ roll. This document is a cornerstone of any transparent election process, allowing voters to verify their registration status and enabling candidates to ensure that their supporters are correctly listed. The delay in releasing this information, according to Team Unity, poses a serious risk to public confidence in the election and could lead to challenges on Election Day,” the release said.

In addition to the voters’ roll, Team Unity has highlighted concerns about the removal of eligible voters from the list, and is demanding an explanation from the committee regarding the criteria for these removals while calling for the immediate reinstatement of those affected.

“The integrity of the voters’ roll is essential for a fair election, and any unexplained discrepancies could lead to questions about the legitimacy of the results,” it said.

Team Unity is also calling for the immediate release of detailed election guidelines. These guidelines should include a revised timeline for the election, protocols for candidate conduct, and clear procedures for voter identification, saying, the absence of such guidelines at this stage of the election process is a cause for serious concern, as it hampers the ability of candidates and voters to prepare adequately.

“The lack of communication from the Interim Committee has also raised questions about the overall preparedness for the election. Team Unity is concerned that the Committee may not be ready to conduct a free and fair election, given the lack of critical information and the rapidly approaching election date. The group is urging Mr. Peter Quaqua and his team to take immediate steps to address these issues to avoid any potential disruptions on Election Day,” the release stated.

The group believes that transparency is at the heart of any democratic process, and the current situation jeopardizes the integrity of the upcoming election. The group is calling on the Press Union of Liberia Interim Committee to prioritize clear and timely communication with all stakeholders. This is essential not only for the candidates and voters but also for maintaining public trust in the electoral process.

The letter from Team Unity, signed by the Cochair of the Campaign Team, Evelyn Kpadeh Seagbeh, emphasizes the importance of the Interim Committee acting swiftly to address these concerns, as without immediate action, the credibility of the election could be severely compromised.

“As journalists who see themselves as the watchdogs of society, Team Unity believes that the actions of the Election Commission should reflect the highest standards of transparency and fairness. The group is committed to ensuring that the election is conducted in a manner that upholds these values and protects the rights of all voters,” the Team Unity said.


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