Team Unity Condemns Shameless Democratic Assault…In Press Union Of Liberia Election


Team Unity has condemned the Interim Leadership of the Press Union of Liberia, led by Peter Quaqua, for unlawfully placing the committee as a party to the crisis in seeking clarification on a ruling from the 9th Judicial Circuit Court from Judge Boima Konto, who is not assigned to any court in Liberia at the moment.

The PUL Interim Leadership had previously agreed to hold a fresh election in the Union after Judge Boima Konto issued a summary judgment in favor of Julius K. Kanubah and his team, following the resignation of his initial rival, Daniel Nyakonah, Jr.

Team Unity believes that it is not the role of the Interim Leadership of the Press Union of Liberia to seek clarification on the court’s ruling when they are not involved in the case.

In light of this, Team Unity views the actions of the Interim Leadership as partisan and a deliberate attempt to follow the agenda of Team Kanubah, effectively positioning him as the President of the Press Union of Liberia outside of democratic practices.

Meanwhile, Team Unity has urged all its members across the country to stay calm while legal measures are being taken to counteract the fraudulent efforts of the Interim Leadership and Team Kanubah to rig the election.

Team Unity is also working with its lawyers to file appropriate motions in both the civil law court and the Supreme Court to address the partiality of the Interim Leadership.

This latest twist in the leadership saga within the Press Union of Liberia comes after Judge Boima Konto actions, which include a series of contradictory and confusing rulings that have thrown the Union into disarray, undermining its democratic processes and fueling bias and manipulation.

Judge Konto’s initial injunction against the PUL election was questionable from the outset. Although he eventually lifted the injunction once the Union’s leadership adhered to all legal requirements, his subsequent actions reveal a troubling pattern of undemocratic behavior.

The stay order he imposed on the induction of the Union’s President-elect, Daniel Nyakonah, Jr., has dragged on for nearly two years, forcing Nyakonah to resign in a desperate bid to restore peace within the Union.

Judge Konto’s August 29 meeting with the Interim Leadership and Team Kanubah to again thwart the election process outside of his legal jurisdiction at a stage-managed meeting runs contrary to Konto’s June 18, 2022 ruling. Team Unity is appalled by this egregious abuse of power.

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