STAND Reinforces Call For War Crimes Court …Wants Senators To Act


The Solidarity and Trust for a New Day (STAND), a civil society organization dedicated to integrity, accountability and the rule of law, reiterates its call for the Senate to endorse the resolution by the House of Representatives on the establishment of the war and economic crimes court for Liberia.

A statement issued on Monday, April 8, 2024, STAND said it is committed to supporting the establishment of a war and economic crimes court as a way of ensuring justice and accountability in Liberia.

The group says it sees the Senate’s prompt approval as crucial in responding to the people’s call for justice.
STAND urges the Liberian Senate to reject shielding war criminals and act in favor of justice for Liberians,

particularly under the leadership of a woman whose empathetic stance represents the struggles of Liberian women and children.

The Civil Society Movement commends the Senate for responding to its previous call to prioritize the concurrence of the House’s resolution by putting it on its agenda for discussion at
If this done, STAND added that the Senate will be demonstrating patriotism as it puts the country and its people above personal interests.

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