STAND Against Sacking Of 40,000 Civil Servants


The Movement, Solidarity and Trust for a New Day (STAND), says it is troubled by a circular issued by the Civil Service Agency (CSA) on April 1, 2024, which appears to cast uncertainty over the employment status of over 40,000 employees under the guise of “Employment status regularization”.
The group in a statement said this exercise will specifically target 40,000 Liberian citizens employed between 2019 and 2023, raising fears of a witch-hunt against individuals who secured employment during the period of CDC governance.
STAND said considering the reported mass dismissals at the Ministry of State and other government agencies, specifically targeting those employed between 2018 and 2023, is burdened by the potential backlash that could destabilize governance.
STAND believes these actions are not only ill-timed but also detrimental to Liberia’s peace, stability, and national security interests.
“Guided by our dedication to champion the rights of all Liberians, irrespective of political allegiance, and our patriotic obligation to contribute to the success of the current government, STAND calls upon the Boakai-led Administration to abstain from politically motivated witch-hunts that could plunge the nation into chaos,” STAND warns.

The statement: “As STAND acknowledges the potential effectiveness of a smaller government in fostering growth, we nonetheless emphasize that such a model can only flourish alongside a vibrant private sector.”
While urging the government to halt this crisis-driven policy of mass layoffs, STAND emphasizes the importance of addressing policy gaps in the private sector by creating an environment that promotes economic growth, job creation, and poverty reduction.

The group argues that the suggestion to eliminate thousands of Liberian jobs under the guise of “employment status regularization” is not only insensitive but also unprecedented stressing that the decision particularly singles out the governing period of a specific political party, even though the perceived issue existed long before the period from 2019 to 2023 that the exercise is addressing.

The Civil Society Group indicated that Irrespective of their political leanings, these civil servants are solely working to support their families, and it would be unfair for them to suffer due to political disagreements.
“Speculation is already rampant before any action is taken, suggesting that this could be interpreted as a witch-hunt or politically motivated move against opposition members, particularly those affiliated with the Coalition for Democratic Change. Therefore,” STAND maintains.

The Group is calling on President Boakai to immediately halt or call for a review of this exercise to eliminate the perception of a witch-hunt as it is widely perceived by the general public.
STAND also encourages President Boakai and his government to redirect their government efforts toward expanding the economy and fostering private sector growth through innovative means.

Additionally, STAND urges the National Legislature to closely monitor this situation and take immediate action to prevent a potential national disaster if these plans are implemented.

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