Saah Joseph Donates Medical Supplies


Montserrado County Senator Saah H. Joseph over the weekend brought an unendurable joy to citizens of Buchanan, Grand Bassa County with a generous donation of US$600,000 worth of drugs and medical supplies to the Government Hospital and other health facilities in the County.

The donation highlights Senator Joseph’s commitment to the wellbeing of Liberians, setting a commendable example for leaders across the nation.

The donation aims to bolster the health sector and improve access to medication for the community.

Senator Joseph emphasized that this donation is part of his ongoing efforts to promote healthcare and ensure that residents receive the medical attention they need.
The donation was received by an array of Senators including Senate Pro-Tempore Nyonblee Karngar Lawrence, Senator Edwin Snowe, Augustine Chea, and Senator Abraham Darius Dillon among others who had gone to attend a four-day retreat in the County.

In remarks, Senate Pro-Tempore, Nyonblee Karngar Lawrence expressed gratitude to Senator Joseph for his kindness and dedication to public service.

Grand Bassa County Senator encouraged him to continue his commendable work in advancing the interests of the country and its people.

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