Rape Suspect Released On Bond


Criminal Court “E” at the Temple of Justice in Monrovia has granted a criminal appearance bond to George Wade alias Nicholas Jack Davies. Davies stands accused of Rape and Theft of Property. Judge Serena F. Garlawulo’s action is based on the crime which is a second degree (General rape) felony that a bail bond can be granted in for the release of a defendant, unless statutory rape that involves minors.

Defendant Wade’s lawyers filed a bond in the tune of USD$25,000 issued by Sky Insurance Company. Chapter 13.2 of the Criminal Procedure Law talks about right to bail and provides that “any person charged with the commission of an offense not capital shall be entitled as a right to be admitted to bail, whether before conviction or pending appeal, and any person charged with commission of a capital offense who has been convicted of a lesser shall be entitled as a right to be admitted to bail pending an appeal.”

Also, Chapter 13.3 states that “a person allowed by order of the court to be released on bail shall execute a bond for his appearance; such bond shall be secured by one of the means provided by Section 63.1 of the Civil Procedure Law for security of bonds given under that title and any sureties on the bond shall be qualified as require by Section 63.2 of the Civil Procedure Law.”

The law further states that any cash or personal property received by the court as security for the bond shall be deposited in the government depository or a reliable bank and a receipt shall be issued showing the purpose and amount of the deposit, and stating that the deposit will be released only upon the written order of the judge or magistrate or justice of the peace authorized to receive bail.

The Grand Jury of Montserrado County for the August Term indicted Defendant Wade and charged him with the crime of Rape, a felony of the first degree. The indictment described Wade as a sex predator and vampire, with an evil intent and criminal mind to commit crimes, purposely persuaded and lured victim with to the premises of Royal Grand Hotel, Room 320, under the pretext that they were going for a meeting with the President of the Republic of Liberia.

It further revealed that upon entry to the purported meeting room within the Royal Grand Hotel, the defendant criminally, purposely, knowingly and intentionally engaged in threat of possible and imminent harm on the victim if she did not succumb to his orders, and by coercion and compulsion had the victim undressed, took her naked photos and sexually abused her.

Accordingly, the act carried out by the defendant is in gross violation of the Penal Code, Chapter 14.70 1(a), 3 (b) (a).

Our judicial reporter said the defendant was released on surety of Pinky Abu who was once convicted for 25 years by Judge Roosevelt Z. Willie of Criminal Court “A” for the crime of Murder and served a jail term of five years, but her matter was later taken to the Supreme Court on an appeal where the court reduced the charge to Manslaughter and she was later released on ground that she has served her five years jail sentence.

Meanwhile, the prosecution lawyers in their six count motion prayed the court to rescind the bond and argue that their request is due to the insufficiency as two of the indictments against the defendant have a maximum sentence of life imprisonment plus properties robbed valued at US$17,000.

They maintained that the bond does not state which of the four (4) indictments the bond represents against the defendant. They say succinctly, Gang Rape is a felony of the first degree, and where the defendant threatened the victim with a deadly weapon at the time of the act or before, “Rape”, is a first degree felony and not billable.

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