‘Protest Party’ …Piah Describes CDC


Information Minister, Jerolinmek M. Piah says the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) is known for having the highest record of protests in Liberia.

Speaking to journalists on Thursday, August 8, 2024, Minister Piah said CDC, during the twelve year rule of former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, held 300 protests as an opposition party.

Piah said CDC was more interested in their quest for political power than love for Liberia, disclosing that it was the Sirleaf-Boakai Government that rescued the country internationally and started the rebuilding process of Liberia.

Minister Piah said while great leaders were coming into the country, CDC was carrying out their 300 protests, and they are back again within less than six months into this new government to their business as usual.

“I challenge anybody that will show any single protest that was organized by Unity Party as a political institution. Do not tell me about people you saw from UP joining the Council of Patriots (COP) or some UP elements in the ‘Bring Back Our Money’ campaign,” Minister Piah said.  He said the Unity Party while in opposition did nothing to undermine the governance of the state when the CDC was in power.

Piah indicated that Liberia is nobody’s inheritance and CDC had the opportunity to serve but misused it. He added that the Boakai administration will not accept any form of violence from CDC to scare investors away.

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