Police Officers Clean Duala Market


The Liberia National Police (LNP) headed by Inspector General, Gregory Coleman and officers were seen on Sunday, April 14, 2024 carrying out a major clean-up campaign in the Duala Market to ensure a safe and clean environment.

Scores of officers were seen with brooms, shovels, and yellow machines, among others, clearing garbage from the main streets of Duala, Kuwait and the Saturday Markets.

The exercise took many buyers and sellers by surprise while the officers remained engaged with maintaining a free space.

Speaking with reporters, Inspector General Coleman said the exercise is part of the Police community initiative to ensure a clean city.

Coleman said LNP is willingly partnering with the Municipal Borough, the Monrovia City Corporation, the Paynesville City Corporation and other cities across the country.

He said the ongoing initiative is one of the major ways the police intend to build a cordial relationship with the community and together foster a safe and clean environment.

He noted that the exercise is a gradual initiative, which will be extended to the Red-light Market and other parts of Monrovia.

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