Police Arrest ‘Imposter’


The Liberia National Police have arrested a man identified as Kelvin F. Bartee for impersonating as a Staff of the West African Examination Council Liberia Office.

According to WAEC-Liberia, Kelvin has been soliciting monies from stakeholders under the pretext as a staff of WAEC with the assurance of helping them pass the public test.

The situation, which reportedly embarrassed the Council, subsequently led to a one year massive search for Kelvin by providing his information everywhere leading to his arrest.

According to WAEC-Liberia, Kelvin and his team have been involved in such dubious acts for a year now.

In a bid to continue his criminal act, he was arrested by the Police on April 25, 2024 while in route to dupe another school to add to his list of victims.

“We have been making frantic efforts to have Kelvin arrested and we are so happy now that he has finally been arrested. Let the law takes its course,” an official of WAEC-Liberia said.

Explaining more about his arrest, an official of WAEC said Kelvin called the Principal of G. Edwin Bryant Academy informing him that WAEC-Liberia will use his school’s facility as one of the centers for the conduct of the Exams and that will give he, the Principal and his school the advantage but following the information, the Principal hastily called WAEC-Liberia Head office and then called Kelvin to come at his office to collect his money.

When Kelvin arrived, it was at that point, the Principal of G. Edwin Bryant Academy called the police to arrest Kelvin.

Following police investigation, Kelvin was charged for Impersonation and Theft of Property. He is currently behind bars.

WAEC-Liberia Office has commended the Principal of the G. Edwin Bryant Academy for a job well done and also hailed the police for being proactive in executing the arrest of the imposter.

WAEC-Liberia is warning other stakeholders to be aware of such dubious people in the society.

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