Ombudsman Office Preparing For Complaints…Putting Mechanisms In Place


In keeping with the mandate of the Office of the Ombudsman, the office is informing the public of the setting up temporary mechanisms for accepting complaints regarding alleged violations of the Code of Conduct.
According to a release, these mechanisms involve a Post Office Box and dedicated email address for receiving complaints in hard or soft copy forms.
The mechanisms are also intended to foster inclusiveness and inspire ownership in the implementation of the Code of Conduct.

A release quotes the Chairman, Cllr. Finley Y. Karngar as saying that the Ombudsman Office also solicits ideas from the public on its official logo.

“At the end of submissions, the sender of the accepted design at a public gathering will be provided a non-cash award for his/her contribution to promoting good governance, diligence, and discipline in public service,” the release indicated.

Cllr. Karngar said these measures have been introduced to ensure that the work of administering the Code of Conduct is not delayed.

He noted that the measures are temporary and would remain in place until the Ombudsman’s Office is fully set up with a physical address where people will go to file complaints in person and interact with the Ombudsmen.

“With two out of the three ombudspersons already confirmed by the Liberian Senate and appointed by President Joseph N. Boakai, the chairman noted that the vital work of the institution has commenced and will be greatly enhanced if the senate confirms the third ombudsman,” the release concluded.
Edited June 23, 2024

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