NYDO Frowns On Rep. Wongbe

The Nyonkiayee Diaspora Organization (NYDO) has frowned on an order by Representative Taa Wongbe of Nimba County District#9 to halt the Mehnla Nyonkiayee road project, being undertaken by Representative Musa Hasan Bility of Nimba County District#7.
Nyonkiayee is a town located in Mensonnoh Administrative District in Nimba County.

NYDO says it has been established that Rep. Wongbe wants the project halted because he is traveling to India for a visit.
It can be recalled that the Bility Development Foundation on February 3, 2024, asked the inhabitants to sign a property waiver in the right-away for the road rehabilitation project from Mehnla, Nyonkiayee, to Zekepa in Electoral District #9, an occasion witnessed by chiefs and elders of the district.
By Representative Wongbe saying that when he returns to Liberia before Representative Bility can move his machines to the road to commence work, the group said this information is unacceptable by the people of Nyonkiayee living at home and overseas.
According to NYDO, in a setback to the much-anticipated road development project in Nimba District #9, Rep. Wongbe’s interference has impeded progress.
The group added that despite initial momentum gained when the Bility Development Foundation broke grounds in May 2023 for the rehabilitation of roads from Mehnla to Nyonkiayee to Glayee, external threats forced a temporary halt to the project.

However, the Bility Development Foundation recommitted to its promise in January 2024, with plans to resume work in the peak of the dry season, a crucial period for road construction.
Regrettably, NYDO notes that residents were informed that Rep. Wongbe, insisting on a meeting with Rep. Bility before allowing work to proceed, chose to halt the process.
NYDO therefore declares the delay is unacceptable, given the vital role road infrastructure plays in community transformation.

As far as NYDO is concerned, the roads from Mehnla to Nyonkiayee serve as lifelines, facilitating trade, commerce, healthcare access, and overall development for the residents. As a result, NYDO terms Rep. Wongbe’s action as a significant obstacle to development.

By prioritizing personal meetings over community progress, NYDO points out that the lawmaker disregards the interests of his constituents, who overwhelmingly voted him into office.
Furthermore, NYDO says Rep. Wongbe’s failure to fulfill past promises, such as backfilling a bridge, reflect a concerning pattern of neglect towards the community’s needs.

In light of these developments, NYDO urgently calls on Rep. Wongbe to reconsider his stance and permit the commencement of road rehabilitation.
With the rainy season looming, NYDO fears that time is of the essence and that further delays will only exacerbate the challenges faced by the people of Nyonkiayee.
NYDO, meanwhile, implores the Bility Development Foundation to proceed with the project without delay, ensuring that the residents of Nimba District #9 receive the infrastructure it urgently requires. NYDO extends its gratitude to Rep. Bility and the Bility Development Foundation for their commitment to the development of Nimba County. NYDO added that it is imperative that they collectively prioritize the well-being and progress of the communities, overcoming obstacles to achieve lasting prosperity.

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