‘No Challenge To Supreme Court’s Ruling’…CDC Reacts To Gloria Scott’s Acquittal


The main opposition Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) has taken a definite position on the recent decision by the Supreme Court of Liberia to find former Chief Justice Gloria Musu Scott and her family members not guilty for the murder of the late Charloe Musu.

The CDC Secretary General who spoke recently, blamed Mr. Stanton Witherspoon, the owner of SPOON Network, for politicizing the case.

Recently, Chief Justice Sie-A-Nyene-Yuoh stated in the opinion of the high court that the prosecution lawyers failed to present circumstantial evidence linking Cllr. Scott and her co-defendants to the death of Miss Musu, who was the niece of the acquitted former Chief Justice.

Making an official statement regarding the CDC’s response to the high court’s final ruling, Koijee stated that the party, being a “custodian of peace” in the country, is not a legal institution to challenge the court’s ruling.

According to him, Witherspoon allegedly mixed politics with a legal matter that involved the life of a promising young lady and used his media platform to spread falsehoods, disinformation and misinformation.

Koijee added that the wrath of God will visit Mr. Witherspoon and his children for allegedly telling lies that he, Koijee, is truly associated with the death of Charloe Musu.

But in a response through his official Facebook page minutes after the press conference, Witherspoon questioned the moral standing of Mr. Koijee to serve in the capacity of Secretary General of the Congress for Democratic Change.

Koijee and one of his aides identified as Varlee Telleh, have been at the center of accusations by the former Truth Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Chair Jerome Verdier of being the masterminds behind the death of the late Charloe Musu.

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