Nimba Superintendent-Designate Promises Reform


Consistent with President Joseph Nyuma Boakai’s rescue agenda for Liberia, Nimba County Superintendent-designate, Madam Meapeh Comrade Kou Gono, is beeping with renewed dynamism to transform the local governing system of the County.

Madam Gono unveiled her determination and full readiness to work with the people of the county, local leaders, legislative Caucus, and all relevant stakeholders to unite the people and rigorously fight corruption to promote transparency and accountability.

The newly nominated energetic superintendent thanked President Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Vice President Jeremiah Kpan Koung, and members of the Rescue Mission and their alliances for her preferment as the new leader of the people of Nimba at this time of the wave of change that is taking place across the country.

She said under her administration, Nimba will experience an unprecedented renaissance consistent with the rescue crusade.
Madam Gono said, “If confirmed, I intend to work to unite our great County and reconcile our people. We will throw lights on our potential and push for Nimba’s excellence and one Nimba. That is our goal. And I thank the President for nominating me to serve in the local leadership of the county.”

She promised to promote peace and reconciliation as well as religious tolerance in the county and amongst the various groups.

“We are all Nimba people and all of us have been dedicated to fighting for ‘Nimba Kwado,’ meaning one Nimba. What we intend to do is to work with other leaders of the county as well as the Legislative Caucus. You know reconciliation is not only in words but actions. So, I believe once we can diversify and
decentralize opportunities and resources, I think that is the key to reconciliation,” she added.

According to her, peace and reconciliation as well as the fight against corruption are keys to promoting development in Nimba.

“Yes, we will fight corruption and to begin with, we will call for a comprehensive audit of the system in the first 100 days of our administration to know where we will start from.”

She, however, clarified that the proposed audit is not intended to witch-hunt but to access the state of affairs of the county and know where she will be taking over from, adding that prosecutorial power lies in the hands of central administration to make any determination.

The Superintendent-designate noted that she is not unaware that the county is politically charged or politically sensitive.

“We are working people; we are working with system. I know the people of Nimba are strong and progressive people; they jealously love their county and they want to see good out of their county. And I know they will applaud and appreciate any leader who will work in the interest of their county in the light of transparency. So, we are going to work together with our progressive and astute Legislative Caucus with the backing of our senior Senator, Hon. Prince Y. Johnson, the leader of our County. And I am very optimistic about the future of Nimba,” she noted,

Addressing reporters Wednesday in Monrovia, the Superintendent-designate disclosed plans to take other actions necessary to prevent instances of corruption so the people of Nimba will benefit from resources meant for them.

“We are going to take other steps to prevent corruption; we are going to ask the Internal Audit Authority to give us County-based auditors just as it is done in ministries and agencies of government; I mean individuals who are capable to double- check financial proceedings or transactions at the administrative

According to her, missteps and procedures in financial transactions could sometimes lead to corruption, saying “So, we will do everything possible to be accountable and transparent to our people and Liberia.”
When asked about her strategies in the handling and usage of the controversial social and county development funds, Madam Gono asserted, “We will sit with our legislators who are our governing partners to determine the priority needs of our people, and together, we will make decisions in the best interest of the
People of Nimba. We can assure our people, what is for Nimba is for Nimba and will be used to benefit the people of Nimba.”
She encouraged the women in Nimba to see her as their daughter; sister and mother as well.
“I cannot wait to work with you all. We are determined to promote gender issues by working with various women groups.
We are cognizant that women are the bedrock in every society; they are the first line of teachers; they are the biggest investors; and I am happy that a progressive female is now in the local leadership structure of the county; I believe the women of the county are also happy about my preferment. I am willing to work with our women to create the requisite opportunities for our girls
as well,” she concluded.

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