Murvee Gray Appointed As Chairman of Intra-Governmental Tourney


Assistant Sports Minister Murvee Gray has been appointed as the Chairman of the upcoming 2024 Intra-Governmental Tourney.

The seasoned Sports Technician, who also serves as the Assistant Minister for Sports at the Ministry of Youth and Sports, will be leading the organization of this prestigious event.

The Ministry of Youth and Sports has announced that the tournament is scheduled to kick off on May 8, 2024.
Government ministries, agencies, and public corporations interested in participating in the competition are encouraged to start their registration process promptly.

A registration fee of Five Hundred United States Dollars (US$500.00) is mandatory for entry, and the deadline for registration is set for Monday, April 22, 2024.
The Intra-Governmental Tourney is a yearly sports event initiated by the Liberian Government in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

It aims to bring together employees from the three branches of government –Legislature, Judiciary, and Executive for a spirited display of sportsmanship and camaraderie.

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