Monrovia Floods… Several Homeless


The unstoppable and aggressive downpour rain on Tuesday, August 13, 2024, left several residents of Monrovia and parts adjacent homeless.

The water entered the rooms of dozens of people in some communities, leaving them to have sleepless nights with their belongings submerged.

On the main streets of Monrovia, cars, tricycles and motorcycles were coerced to drive in the deep water including pedestrians who had no option.

Up to press time, many citizens were trapped in their flooded homes and could not go out to fetch for their daily living as the rain intensified throughout the afternoon to late evening hours, leading to a humanitarian crisis.

Not only wet and densely populated communities, but this paper also gathered that one of the Buildings at the Capitol was for the first time hit by the huge flooding.

According to some legislative staffers, the water for the first time entered the offices of some lawmakers, while other staffs, unlike their regular work, were compelled to wipe and sweep water in order to have a suitable and or comfortable place to sit and work.

With nearly three months to the end of the rainy season, it appears like more homes, public buildings and businesses will be affected by the huge flooding which normally comes with thunder and lightning.

Currently, victims in affected communities of Clara Town, West Point, Vai Town, Doe Community, Piaty Town, Central Monrovia, among others, are now appealing to the Government of Liberia through the National Disaster Management Agency to come to their aid.

According to some of them, they have nowhere to go and may sleep in the open or public buildings, schools and churches with their children risking cold, fever, malaria and other waterborne diseases.

It can be recalled that the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) and the Ministry of Public Works have attributed huge flooded especially in residential areas to poor drainage system, the building of houses on the wetlands and alleys as well as the blocking of the drainage normally used as dumpsites by the same residents, many of whom are victims of such natural situations.

Already, the NDMA last week reported that more than 48, 000 persons were in dying need of humanitarian aid due to the recent flooding situation in Montserrado, Margibi and Grand Bassa Counties which left at least 60,000 people affected. The agency further warned that there could be worsening episodes of flooding across the country before the end of the rainy season.


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