MICAT Officials Tour Tourist Sites ….Assess National Museum, Providence Island


The Tourism sector of Liberia might soon boom as the government is leaving no stone untouched to ensure that structures associated with the industry are functional.

Efforts to ensure that this happens, Information Minister, Jerolinmek Matthew Piah, led his Deputy and Assistant Ministers to assess the National Museum on Broad Street and Providence Island on the Gabriel Tucker Bridge on Johnson Street.

The Providence Island is a national heritage site where freed American slaves landed in 1822 and subsequently founded Liberia.

During the tour, Minister Piah said MICAT is placing priority in making those facilities functional to serve as tourist attractions and mainstays in promoting Liberia’s cultural heritage.

According to the Director of Public Affairs at MICAT, Lawrence Fahnbulleh, further assessment visits are planned for the new designated site of the National Cultural Center in Marshall, Margibi County.

Fahnbulleh disclosed that Minister Piah will also make an assessment tour at the Besao Cultural Village in Bomi County and the ruined William V.S. Tubman African Center of Arts and Culture in Robertsports, Grand Cape Mount County.

These facilities are under the direct supervision and control of the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs & Tourism (MICAT).

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