LNP Dismisses ‘Rogue’ Officer


The Liberia National Police (LNP) has dismissed with immediate effect Corporal Sabastine G. Weedee (LNP-2753) of the Police Support Unit (PSU) for criminal misconduct.

The dismissal follows a complaint filed by Estella Metzger, an employee of the United Bank of Africa (UBA), who alleged that Officer Weedee visited the UBA 5th Street branch under the pretense of conducting business, and during a brief absence from her desk, he allegedly stole US$100 from a customer’s deposit left on the desk.

During the preliminary investigation, Weedee admitted to the crime and was charged with theft of property. The LNP has termed his actions as a gross violation of Section 8.1(a) of the Liberia National Police Disciplinary Regulations of 2016.

Corporal Weedee has been instructed to cease identifying with the Liberia National Police to avoid future embarrassment. The LNP further instructed Weedee to turn over all government properties in his possession, including badges, uniforms, ID card, boots/shoes, among others, to the Human Resource Management Division.

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