Liberian To Import Containers Of Rice


A Liberian businessman and Chief Executive Officer of Saah Young Business Center, is expected to import several metric tons of rice into the country.

Speaking in an interview with reporters over the weekend, Saah Young Kinsley said the metric tons of rice worth over a million United States dollars.

He said 25kg is the Indian parboiled rice intended to help with the rice situation in the country. According to him, the rice will be sold for an affordable price.

Businessman Kinsley noted that during the regime of former president George Manneh Weah, he imported twenty containers of the rice that was highly embraced by Liberians.

He praised Commerce Minister Amin Modad for giving him Clearance to import the fifty containers of rice into the country, something he said will help minimize the risk of rice shortage on the local market.

The Liberian businessman said rice shortage in any economy has a negative impact on the citizens.
Kinsley stated that such a situation can lead to increase in prices of rice and other related products.
Young said upon arrival of the rice in the country, it will boost the government’s effort aimed at ensuring that the price of the commodity remains stable.

“Even though I will need profit as a businessman, this is intended to prove to other counterparts making business in the Liberian economy that there are capable and competent Liberians that can make the difference,” he added.

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